7 Things (Single) Women Should Know About Relationships (Men Should Read This Too)

For all things successful, it seems like the world has crafted some sort of a “secret recipe” which we can all take advantage of. Name it – secrets to a successful business, event and yes, the most promising: secrets to a successful relationship. Look it up online and you’ll be surprised with pristine, sassy relationship “secrets” that promise a fail-proof relationship.

Unfortunately, (sorry to break it to you) there’s no such thing as secrets to a perfect relationship because the truth is, there’s never really a perfect relationship. BUT, thankfully, the bible provides a distinctive guarantee: it can guide you in achieving a good relationship. 

Here are 7 Things that (single) women should know about relationships but first, keep in mind that a good relationship requires trust and perseverance; a slow interlacing of the heart and soul.

If you had your heart broken – you will heal.

For some people who have had worst heartbreaks, it’s almost as if surviving the situation is next to impossible. We all want to heal fast and recover quick but these things require time. And the truth is, what you force to bury now will resurrect in your next relationship – so don’t bury yet what needs to be grieved. If you don’t take the time to really heal and recover (which by the way includes grieving well), the wound will most likely bleed in your next relationship. So don’t ignore that which needs your attention, go and address the issues and take responsibility.

Let your trust be earned – don’t give it automatically.

He sure does like you (and you like him) plus he’s a Christian! *Swoon!  But this shouldn’t be mistaken as a signal to give your heart away; we can all be foolish when we are in love, agree? Remember that it is okay to take things slow. You might feel the pressure to make a decision fast or else the guy’s going to slip through your fingers but realize that this quick resolution can potentially last a lifetime.

Looking for Christian husbands? – they’re found within the Christian faith.

I look around my church community and funnily realize that Christian men are either in a relationship or already have their eyes fixed on someone else which leaves the Christian women, who by the way, are so ready to commit to a godly relationship, well, on hold. The result is, they (the women) settle for less or someone who doesn’t even share the same faith with them. But guess where that leads the relationship to? The bible says in Mark 3:25 “If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” If the guy’s faith is half-baked, what do you think happens? The leader becomes led. And you know what that means! Don’t get me wrong, Christian men are not perfect, you are just assured that they are willing to be lead by Jesus as they learn to lead you.

If a guy can’t wake up and attend church by himself while he is single, you can’t make him wake up and attend church when you are married. If he can’t love God now, he won’t love God just because he is married to you. We don’t change because of marriage, we change when we make a decision to change.

God-centered relationships – they are always counter-cultural.

Having a good relationship that ultimately leads to marriage requires walking contrary to how the world walks. Our culture says that if it feels good, it must be right. Wrong. The problem with the world today is how it deceives us on how things should first feel right before we act right.

The world encourages cohabiting to test compatibility but God’s word is firm in saying that sex, and everything that leads to it (kissing and petting) is for married people.  Sounds too easy but when you’re in a romantic relationship, this could be the very thing that challenges you and your partner. I should know.

What is a real man – he is someone who respects godly standards.

Getting the man you have been praying for should not at all make you lower your standards. Ladies, have you ever received an advice telling you to lower your standards to get the man? I have heard this advice a couple of times when I was still single only to find out that those who gave me that advice were the ones who had very little or no standards at all. I’ll let you in on a secret: stop taking advices from people who do not walk in the same direction as you.

Real men don’t push themselves to you. They acknowledge and respect your godly standards. If by any chance they don’t – run!

Stop playing married – don’t give wife benefits to someone who is not your husband!

So we know the drill in marriage: wives, submit to your husbands. If you’re asking yourself the question: “Do I submit to my boyfriend?” Answer this question first: “Is he your husband?” And there you have your answer. Ladies, stop acting like a wife before you are one.

Of course you can listen and honor your boyfriend and let him lead your relationship, after all, some marriage fundamentals are learned in courtship but keep in mind that you are not to give wife benefits to someone who isn’t your husband.

Now is the best time to pray for spiritual covering – this will benefit your future relationship.

The best time to have a good mentor especially when it comes to relationships is now. Allow someone the permission to speak to you and give you wisdom. Cultivate a healthy mentoring relationship and ask that person to be your accountability partner who can rebuke you with love and pray for spiritual covering.

Do you realize the reason why we pray for spiritual covering? It is because we have the tendency to forget things. We have the tendency to compromise which can lead to sin. Praying for your future relationship now will assure you of a good relationship in the future.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Cecil Gee says:

    Well said, ate Dimps! *swoon Haha!

  2. Ara says:

    Thank you!! God richly bless you for this!

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